A Greek Crisis Diary
Texts, photos and videos from deplaced.blogspot.gr and playground4architecture.blogspot.gr
Presented at the 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture (2016), titled REPORTING FROM THE FRONT, as member of the Greek Architects’ Association (SADAS) (GREECE)
except as otherwise acknowledged.
Cover photo of Athens by Achim Rollhaeuser
contact: fgeo@tee,gr
The neighbourhood gained international attention when local rioting broke out following the 2008 death of Alexis Gregoropoulos, a 15-year old student shot dead by a police special guard unit in the vicinity. Soon these Griots, as these Greek riots came to be known, quickly spread to the whole of Athens and the country beyond. They became a catalyst for a wave of occupations and served as a collective expression of discontent.
In the distance, the Acropolis, all lit-up, hovered over the depressing darkness of the city like a dazzling space craft from a long-lost civilisation. He recalled a Chinese friend asking: "What’s it like to live in its shadow?". ";Heavy, but only when you notice, which is rarely".
Tonight it was hard to ignore and almost unbearable to look at. Her luminous beauty, her serene indifference made him ache. He turned to the other: "What if we burnt her too?". Τhe guy sniggered. "What if we started from scratch?".
In the distance, some ambulance or fire truck siren began to wail.
From the rooftops, dogs barked with rage.
[Εnd] excerpt from a short story: "pls, no more glorious view...", translated from Greek from deplaced.blogspot.gr